
四大菩薩 (無限的慈悲—觀世音菩薩)

四大菩薩 (無限的慈悲—觀世音菩薩)   文珠法師講述 一九九二年十二月廿七日於香港九龍政府文化中心   一、慈悲的意義 二、慈悲的類別 三、慈悲的重要 四、慈悲的代表—觀音菩薩的聖號 四、慈悲的代表—觀音菩薩的性別 四、慈悲的代表—觀音菩薩的本跡 四、慈悲的代表—觀音菩薩的道場...

2013年4月4日 星期四

This is sad but true(一個令人傷感的事實)

Did you get this kind of sickness called Bed-head clan? There is no medicine to cure.
(看阿!! 世界低頭族。你/妳是否也得了此病?沒藥可醫ㄌ!!

This is a sickness in the world!!!(一個得了病的世界!!!
This is how Friends Hanging Out Today, SAD BUT TRUE!!!

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: CF576CE06B56479DB8C5A48E42CA3BA9@HomeLT
Grab a cup of coffee (叫了一杯咖啡以後..........

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 8DE434363A6C4FAE8F74C31F926EA48C@HomeLT
Go to your local pub (在pub..........

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 6903A9CEDEC24FE2BF0AD08A8938A39D@HomeLT
Dine out at your favorite restaurant (在喜愛的餐廳用餐..........

Description: Description: Description:  
 Description: Description:

Spend some time at the museum (在展覽館裡消磨時間..........
 Description: Description:

 Description:   654B37223ED04EBEB25DD4F27DB38B76@HomeLT
Meet at a popular diner (在一般的餐館聚餐..........
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 3662D65E36084FE3B1DFB412B2301360@HomeLT
Relax at a beautiful park (在美麗的公園休閒..........
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
Go to a live game (在運動比賽現場..........
Description: Description: Description:   Description: Description: B97DBCEFBC2E41829BF69548C5009B52@HomeLT
Go to the movies together (相約在電影院裡..........   
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: E2E7E88F4CF34955A4CAA39B6C207ED2@HomeLT
Going out on a date (約會在外..........   
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: A68911474C964512942A7E70D8E5B158@HomeLT
Take a drive around town (開車兜風..........


It’s a busy world, no quality time.
Description: Description: Description: Description: Image

